Journey to the Deep South

We have returned from a bittersweet visit to Memphis. There was a sweet fellowship with dear friends, united in our love for Christ. “Bitter” is the growing understanding of how our country has treated our Black brothers and sisters, throughout history. I am using the “bitter” of history and the “sweet” of God’s love, to write the story of AC’s life in the south and the journey that connected him with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

While in Memphis, we visited Beale Street, a hub of history and entertainment. By the time AC experienced Beale Street as a teen, the “New Daisy” was the only theater in Memphis where a Black person could walk in the front door and watch a movie from the floor seats. In the White owned districts, Blacks were required by the laws of Jim Crow, to use separate seating, entrances, restrooms and drinking fountains.

According to history, the first Baptist Church, was built on Beale Street, by freed slaves. At one time, the headquarters of the anti-segregation newspaper, Free Speech, by Ida B. Wells, was housed in that church. Black-owned businesses, clubs, restaurants and shops also lined the street. Today it is known for its history, its music and yes, for its lights. Or, as my son says, “Wow! That place is LIT!”

The Greatest Take-Away

It was interesting to see Beale Street through AC’s eyes. It seems to hold great importance in his memories of growing up in Memphis. His story is filled many hardships, and Beale Street was a place where his people were welcome.

Stay tuned for more fun pictures and stories from our Memphis trip, and AC’s story. I also have exciting news coming in my next update!

In the meantime, please follow me on Facebook. If you know someone who would enjoy the journey, feel free to share!


Fact-finding Mission in Memphis


Book Review: The Rock and the River by Kekla Magoon